PatD!: And then there was one


Panic at the Disco! came to town and I couldn’t resist. I bought myself a ticket.

They were a particular favorite of mine in high school, these day they have been relegated to being a guilty pleasure. But lets be honest they are a very well played guilty pleasure. It all started with “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” and more recently, “The Ballad of Mona Lisa” and “Miss Jackson.” Brendon Urie, the lead singer, as always, is magnetic. There is something about his expression of music and passion of singing that really sticks with you.

Brendon was the only historical member of the band in attendance at the show I most recently attended, though, I recognized the always attractive Dallon Weekes from a previous show prior to his becoming a official member of the band. Brendon explained Spencer Smith’s absence however and all I have to say is  happy vibes and good thoughts for Mr. Smith as he starts on the road to recovery.

Give them a listen! I definitely didn’t regret it.

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Running Along

maze runner

Not long ago I saw a trailer for The Maze Runner the movie which will be starring Dylan O’Brien, Thomas Brodie-Sangster and Kaya Scodelario, both of whom I have enjoyed in other guilty pleasures ( Teen Wolf, Love Actually and Skins UK, respectively). Dylan is hilarious! While Kaya is really gorgeous. I am excited to see the two of them in more substantial rolls.

At the time I saw the trailer I know of the book but had not read it. It was no where on my reading list at all but I had heard quite a bit of buzz about it. I am always excited to read a book and then see the movie to look for similarities in my imagination compared to the movie industry, so I picked up the audiobook from my library.

The book was very good and very engrossing. I was surprised by how addicted to the story I was. The book is definitely written for boys which was refreshing. It was more spartan in its story but the story had focus and just enough detail, nothing superfluous. Thomas’s hot tempered nature was new compared to some of the idyllic heroes in books written by women. The story slowly eases you into the conspiracy behind the Maze, giving you little tidbits and making you hungry for more.

At the time I listen to the book I did not know it was a series and was actually a little shocked when I found out. I am starting the Scorch Trials soon though! I am a sucker for a good conspiracy and dystopian fluff.

The movie will be out September 19th of this year. Can’t wait!

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I am not a gamer but I have found myself crazy addicted to many a game via my phone or iPad. Words with Friends, Plants vs. Zombies, Dice with Friends,  Jelly Splash, Dots to just name a few. My latest obsession is Godus. I find most my games off top ten lists in the Apple App store. Godus’s icon is sleek and artsy looking and when I looked at the screenshots it was really gorgeous. And the premise, getting to play god, who can resist that?


When I first started it seemed alright. The instructions are sparse and you really need to mess around to get a feel for it. It also seemed like a lot of responsibility all of a sudden trying to get my “followers” to the right place. The followers have some free will like the will to get lost or walk in the wrong direction so as god I had to keep them on the right path. I didn’t realized a lot of things. It took me a few days to figure out the how the cards and stickers worked and how to redeem them. I felt like an old lady when I finally did figure it out.

The goals for the game are to retain your followers and grow your civilization. They will evolve through the various ages and learn so your settlements can grow in complexity. Right now I am trying to add more and more farmers. The opposition is another settlement with a separate philosophy. At times you can find yourself losing followers to the other group. Fickle acolytes all of them. It is interesting trying to find the various challenges and it has a SIMS aspect as you shape the world “in your image”. There are side adventures called voyages. Theses are like little island puzzles. While I have figured out how to play I have to say I think I am getting worse at these voyage puzzles. I find myself losing followers on every trip.

If you are looking for something to really take up your time this should be a consideration.

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The Definition of Awesome

I landed late somewhere on another trip for work. The first thing I did when I got to my hotel room is turn on the TV and flip channels, the noise makes me feel at home. What caught my attention this time was National Geographic’s Die Trying series episode Yosemite Death Climb. That is how I came to meet Alex Honnold, the coolest rock climber alive and the only one I know by name who isn’t a friend.


photo credit: ben moon (who is also pretty cool)

Alex Honnold has done some really incredible things. He is a free solo climber who is breaking and setting records on many of the worlds most incredible rock faces. If you want to hear about this amazing and inspiring every man check him out tonight on, they are having a speaker series and he is speaking at 7PM MT, today!

Weekend Cures for Curiosity!

How’s the weather in your neck of the woods? It seems, wherever you are in the continental US, strange patterns have arrived this summer. It’s a cool and breezy 60-something in the Midwest, we’re drowning in the thick, mugginess of heat and rain in the NE, and the west seems to be having a mad case of sporadic infernos.

But to ease us from the pangs of summer (Mia’s a fan of winter here on CFC), we’ve rounded up little curiosities for you to enjoy this mid-July weekend!

1. A simple enough Pimm’s Cup recipe to set your spirits in the weekend mood.

2. This touching site aims to help a grandson identify photographs taken by his Alzheimer-ridden grandfather…

3. Watch Kiera Knightley struggle in adulthood and befriend a teenage Chloe Moretz in this Laggies trailer!

4. Let your jaw drop at these beautifully crafted steel dandelion fairies currently display on the UK.

5. Can’t score a username and password for HBOGO? Well have no fear! Here are four super cheap and legal ways to get your binge watch on.

6. Everyday puns cutely illustrated FTW!

7. We could stare at these fun kitchen accessories all day.

8. Brit + Co shows us how to eat these nine in season veggies 18 different ways!

9. The National WWI Museum in Kansas City takes the infamous Ferdinand assassination to Twitter, 140 characters at at time.

10. Thank you Refinery29 for this all-budgets guide to wedding gift giving!

SKY ICE a la Brooklyn


Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetSky Ice is a flavor paradise located on 5th Ave. in Brooklyn, NY. When you walk in the kitschy little corner shop the vibe is shabby chic adorableness. The ice cream freezer counter is not unusual but all the flavors are written across the glass are. The flavors are all creative and intriguing.

We got a sampler tray with five flavors:

Roasted Thai Coconut – Light texture but rich flavor with a flavor reminiscent of the leftover milk after a bowl of sugary kids cereal and coconut.

Black Sesame Seaweed – This was also light on the tongue but rich in flavor. It reminded me of a Chinese dessert my dad makes, zhi ma tang yuan.

Lychee Rose – Very rich for a sorbet, a sweet strong lychee start with a very rose finish but not getting soapy like some rose flavored things tend to do.

Honey Ginger – Very subtle start, all honey, with a HUGE spicy ginger kick that really lingers on the tongue.

Belgium Chocolate Brownie – Creamy full texture and full flavor, like eating melted chocolate with little bits of chewy brownie evenly mixed in. This was the most traditional.

This place was adorable and fun to sit in. The signs along the wall to the bathroom were hilarious. The mood in the place was of pleasant camaraderie as there were five women working in the kitchen while we were there. Everyone seemed in good spirits and worked together well in such a small space. The restaurant no longer just serves frozen desserts but also Thai food – I can’t wait to go back!

Here is a great video about the place and some photos we took:

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Marie Lu: My Asian Author


I am Asian. I try not to make a big deal out of it. Generally, I live my life in peace, hardly ever thinking about “the color of my skin. “ By that standard, I don’t usually decide to read books by the race or cultural background of the author either. Last year, I was looking on Goodreads at the books they suggested for me and saw Legend. Legend was the first book after I read Hunger Games that not only had a great concept but a flow and story that held my attention. Only later did I discover the author was Asian.

My thoughts about the Legend Trilogy:

All the books in the Legend series were phenomenal. The plot was well thought out and the world was detailed. The characters were love-able, hate-able and human. It never left me wanting. I was never disappointed. Marie Lu had not taken any shortcuts in creating the Legend experience. Most importantly the ending felt right. She did the tough real life thing with her characters and it fit the story.

Recently, I had the opportunity to pre-read her newest novel, The Young Elites. I have to say it lacks some of the maturity I found in Legend but it was equally as addicting, unpredictable and thoroughly enjoyable. I am excited to see this story progress. Marie Lu is definitely on my list of authors to watch. I hope to see her books gain even more popularity. The Legend series should have surpassed many books that have gained national notoriety, though I may be a little biased because it is nice to see someone with my similar background succeed.

Diversity for all and all for diversity.


An Ode to Libraries

One of the aspects that I love and hate about living in New York is the constant challenge of space. Whereas when living in the midwest, I could buy books on a whim and add to my growing collection, here, in the city, I have to be super-selective when it comes to what tomes of literature may occupy my room. That’s where the library comes in.

I love the library.

After reading a review of a new book or snapping photos of book covers as I roam the aisles of independent bookstores, I can log online and put “holds” on all the books I wish to read. As my younger cousin once said, “It’s like Netflix for books.” He doesn’t get to the library very often ;D

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That being said, I just picked up four new adventures. One is for a book club (Quesadillas), the other my roommate recommended (Beautiful Ruins), the third is the last novel I need to read by Oyeyemi (Mr. Fox), and the fourth is on my summer reading list (Everything I Never Told You).

Here’s to the library!

Weekend Cures for Curiosity!


Welcome to the weekend. Let’s get away.

1. ICYMI: JK Rowling released a short story in the voice of Rita Skeeter! Read here to find out what our favorite heroes of Dumbledore’s Army have been up to.

2. Malcolm Gladwell on criticism (Grace even met him once in an airport!)

3. These art prints. 

4. What diversity in YA means to this Asian author.

5. A July music playlist from Manhattan lifestyle blogger Note to Self!

6. Who knew that social Media can be a relationship longevity indicator.

7. Emma Watson is the new Goodwill Ambassador for the UN’s gender equality arm. We like to think Hermione Granger would be proud 😀

8. Wine, your old best friend.

9. Trampoline in a cave? Yes please!

10. Keep your eyes peeled in these cities! You might see something.

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Rereading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

One of my 2014 goals is to reread the Harry Potter series and it has become an unexpected challenge. Not only is my adult perspective clouding the childlike awe I once held for these characters (albeit not completely gone), but I’m also finding myself siding with the Hogwarts adults as well. Every other page I’m rolling my eyes at Harry and his foolhardy ways. “Do you want do die?!” I kept yelling in my head. It seems, reading it as an adult, he has a penchant for breaking the rules and as I child I just saw him as a kid wanting to have a little fun. Oh retrospect!


Also to note, shit got dark in the third book. Between the beheadings, the graphic description of how Sirius Black supposedly murdered 12 people in London and betrayed his best friend to Professor Trelawney’s all-capped-out prophecy and the sucking out of souls, I can start to see why parents are bit hesitant to allow their 10-year-olds to read this series. However, I encourage the reading of Harry Potter to all children that fall under my preview. After all, Harry Potter was my childhood! I only hope children of today experience the same magical adventure of love, justice and acceptance that I was privy to.

But after reading Prisoner of Azkaban, another issue arose.

Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite film out of the entire series. Beautifully directed by Alfonso Cuarón and bringing in such heavy weights like Gary Oldman (Sirius Black) and Remus Lupin (David Thewlis), the third installment of the Harry Potter movies is just so damn good. Because of my love for Cuarón and his take on the world of Harry Potter, it was very difficult to dig back into Rowling’s sole vision. Anything that contradicted the film I had trouble with and while I enjoyed the details that were left out of the film (I forgot the Whomping Willow was planted for Lupin to hide during his transformations and that it was he who made the Shrieking Shack shriek!) I couldn’t help but love the film more.
